Old 11-22-2016, 03:43 AM
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I like to ask new brides what was the weirdest wedding gift received....mine was a "gift basket" filled with those hotel room coffee packaged condiments along with a box of expired crackers. ( it expired a year prior!). The person who gave them to us always gives weird gifts. One has to laugh! One Christmas she gave me a decorative popcorn tin....then had the nerve to ask me if SHE could keep the tin! I should have promptly dumped the popcorn into the trash can and hand her the empty tin back to her...To this day I regret not doing so, in fact. Silly me just dumped the popcorn into a large bag...the tin had dividers separating 4 flavors..thus mixing them all up in one bag. I have since put a ton of distance between us...not over the gift thing but other reasons...I just can't deal with her insecurities anymore. Just glad she lives 12 hours away.

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