Thread: Featherweight?
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Old 12-05-2016, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by elnan View Post
I know that many quilters pull out all stops to get a Featherweight, but I have one and still don't know what all the fuss is about. I don't think you could go wrong with a Singer 301A. I use mine more than any of the other machines I have. It goes to retreats with me where I am surrounded by expensive machines. It makes a pretty straight stitch, no zigzag, and I have sewn through different fabrics with no problems.
I have a lot of older or vintage machines and often buy from, but only from a site where I can pick it up. I would not trust their packing and shipping.
If you feel your life will not be complete until you have a Featherweight, pass the word around and one usually turns up when you least expect it. When you look at one, make sure it has the bobbin case and extra bobbins. I've met at least two different people who paid $10 for a Featherweight in a thrift store because the person who priced them must have thought they were toys.
I agree. I have my mother's 301A and a Rocketeer as well as a Featherweight. I haven't had much chance to use the featherweight yet, but the 301A is now my go-to machine for piecing. I love that little machine. I've seen them go for really reasonable prices and it isn't really that heavy if you want to take it to classes or retreats.
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