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Old 12-14-2016, 07:42 AM
Geri B
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Illinois
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How very interesting. They are such beautiful creatures. We live near starved rock, Illinois and each Christmas season - February the Eagles come to the Illinois river by the dam there, from Canada to "fish" in the churning water..I think they watch the people as much as the people watch them!

In a huge tree across the road from where my daughter lives a pair of redwing Hawks, who have nested and raised fledglings for the past three years. They are fascinating to watch the "family dynamics". Actually, last summer one of the fledges somehow hurt itself and was unable to fly so they called a hawk rescue, they came, nursed the fledge til healed, brought back and there was a family reunion!!!! The young will perch on dd fence and watch the children play in the yard...not attempt to attack, just watch all the movement ....maybe it's a learning thing for their hunting skills down the road?
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