Old 12-14-2016, 08:41 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 61

I had a grandmother who knit and crocheted mittens, hats and the occasional afghan but first exposure to quilts occurred when I was in my mid-teens. My family lost our house to fire in the early 1970's and we resettled in a mobile home with donated clothes and other items, one of which was a tied quilt made mostly of drapery and/or home dec fabrics by members of one of the local churches. I don't believe it was lined; it went to college with me for a year, then to an apartment my husband and I lived in for 4 years before buying our first home. It was well used but not all that sturdily made, got quite shabby and was replaced with one of my own crocheted afghans (I didn't take up quilting until 1989). Sometime thereafter it was relegated to moving pad duties - long gone but I remember studying the crazy quilt patches in it. Perhaps the reason I have a particular love of scrap quilts!

Last edited by Patches1900; 12-14-2016 at 08:46 PM.
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