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Old 02-02-2010, 06:35 PM
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Hope you are feeling better soon! If you just had a cold, those antibiotics were not a good idea. If you had an infection, the meds should have cleared that up and what you might have now is a cold virus. Antibiotics won't help.

Vitamin C, zinc, water and rest should help with the common cold. Antibiotics are useless. Please don't abuse antibiotics. You may really need them some day and they won't work if you took them for the wrong reason. Unfortunately, our bodies become resistant to antibiotics, so you want to hold out taking anything like that unless it's really needed. Doctors throw those drugs at patients because patients whine and think antibiotics cure the common cold. They don't.

A little education goes a long way. I know most doctors don't want to explain if you're not willing to listen and comprehend, but if you're curious, engage them in conversation. They're really quite informative.

Sorry I'm so preachy, but just had a friend's son contract MSRA this week. Thank goodness he didn't abuse antibiotics or he might have lost his foot or leg. I'm going to spread that word!
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