Old 12-29-2016, 07:32 AM
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Originally Posted by FlyingFeathers View Post
Thank you! I've looked through the manual.. If I hold the top thread it still pulls from my hand..
Will try again in the morning with the bobbin in the other way!
thank you
i have an old tiptronic also. they are backwards to my singer & necchis as far as the bobbin thread feed direction. the needle threader is such a tiny hook it's hard to use. don't change direction of bobbin ..refer to the position dictated by the manual. and if the machine has been setting for a few years it needs to be cleaned & serviced. as a novice sewist i wouldn't recomend you doing the work yourself. it needs thorough cleaning, oiling (old oil can become gummy & make all moving parts move sluggishly/incorrectly), timing checked, tension checked and perhaps recalibrated. have the tech explain the tension system to you ..that area on mine gives me the most fits & my manual doesn't explain things well. the bobbin winding set up is so poorly explained/pictured in the manual, that i took a pic of mine after i finally got it set correctly ..i now use the image on my ipad as reference for bobbin winding set-up.
...and of course, there are a ton of how to sew tutes on youtube, how to work a sewing machine etcetcetc ...

..and at 28 i am thinking you are new to your most excellent career choice --nursing. congratulations on your choice of career ..as a retired nurse i've never missed anyhing in my life as i have my nursing ..my patients, the fun 'tools'
...even the long, grueling hours, double shifts etcetcetc ....nursing is such a rewarding career!
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