Old 12-30-2016, 02:24 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,097

most of the time i donate rather than trying to sell.
it's faster and less stressful.
anything crafty goes to friends who can either use it themselves or take it to the local guild's freebie table.
otherwise, it usually goes to goodwill.

since goodwill doesn't seem to fix things anymore, if it's something that doesn't work, but could be fixed i put it out by the side of the road for the "dumpster divers." the same goes for furniture. our goodwill won't pick up anymore and i don't have a truck. most of what i put out there is gone within an hour.

there are also a few yard-sale and freebie facebook groups in our area. i have passed several things on that way, too.
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