Thread: April - Boom 18
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Old 01-17-2017, 07:07 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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Here is my FallProof/quilting fantasy. I hold a FP class for all of those who need it. You are magically transported from wherever you are to San Diego/Encinitas for the class. (Star trek transporter ) All my quilting buddies pay me each week with one boom square. HOw cool would that be?

FallProof is the best program I've seen out there. It requires a degree in physical therapy or kinesiology, 100 hours of online classes, with tests etc and then a three day grueling weekend where you are constantly being evaluated and tested on your teaching and assessing abilities. This is great but all that means is the program is not as widespread as it could be. Your doctor probably isn't even aware of it, although many physical therapist are. Here is a list of instructors. Its dated, I'm not even sure I'm on it, but its a place to start.

Here is the page that describes the philosophy of the program: It was developed by a professor Debbie Rose at Cal State Fullerton who has made her life's work preventing falls in older people. She's one of the leading experts in the U.S.

Sometimes the doctor will prescribe 8 weeks of physical therapy for fall Prevention. I know I've asked doctors to do that for people before they come to me. It's paid for by insurance and many times you get one on one. FallProof instructors do one on one also but it isn't usually covered by insurance. It's considered 'personal training'.

The FP class is expensive to run. We run one three times a year at the Ecke YMCA and it is always full. I am lucky The Ecke YMCA considers the class important enough that it subsidizes the class. The equipment for the class (one time cost) runs around $3000. 10 participants, me, and 4 volunteer assistants. I wish I could have a special class for all you folks who have fallen.
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