Thread: Hello From Me!
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Old 04-04-2008, 10:49 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Florida, Finally!!!!
Posts: 18

I've been lurking about your board here for about a week, and finally decided that I should at least become a card carrying member.

I started quilting several years ago, but have been extremely sporadic. I finished a small lap quilt in 2005, did some table toppers for Christmas, and started another right after, but I finally pulled it out of the dark closet this past weekend and finished the top. Plus I gave someone close to me some advice that they need a hobby, so I am taking my own advice and doing the same.

It's ready to be quilted and I hope to finish and bind it by the end of the weekend.

I've really enjoyed reading your forum and looking at all the beautiful quilts ya'll have made. The reason I decided to join is because of all the positive attitudes that everyone seems to have and share. I think in any hobby or craft or art that we are our own worst critics, and having someone who has walked in your shoes tell you that you are doing well and your design looks good and that practice does help, and doing that in a positive forum makes one want to continue. Therefore, just the positive energy that comes from this community was more than enough to get me to join.

I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you, and becoming more accomplished in my quilting through this community.


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