Thread: Bean soup
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Old 01-30-2017, 07:24 AM
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I'm not asking for advise - just wanted to share my experience this weekend. Now I have always just washed my beans, put in crock pot along with salt and seasoning - cooked on high about 2 hours, turn on low and go to bed and they're done in the morning. Saturday evening I put on some white beans in my InstantPot and pressured for 40 minutes. Most of the beans were done but I could tell when stirring that some were not. So I used the crock pot setting and cooked them for ANOTHER 4 hours. Still not ALL done. Left them cooking over night. This was for pot luck at church otherwise I would have stopped then and warned my family to spit out the hard ones. When I got to church Sunday someone had a pot of pinto beans on the stove cooking. Turns out my friend was having the same trouble with her beans except none of her beans were soft. She had soaked them 5 hours, then in crock pot over night and still not done. By the way they did get done before dinner. My beans came from a new bag of beans so if they were old it they were old when I brought them home from the store. I'm 80 and have never had an experience like that before. Can't imagine how only a few of the beans didn't get soft and the rest did. LOL
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