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Old 02-03-2017, 11:38 AM
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 52
Default aunt becky experience

Do any of you have an aunt becky that you know how to use properly? I have one and been practicing with it for a couple of weeks. although I am getting more consistent with it, I know I am doing it wrong. I have watched the video so many times, but I need to ask some questions. Here goes: In the video it shows that the needle just sits there on the fabric and the aunt becky pushes the fabric on the needle ( I got that part) then she pulls the aunt becky back and it appears the need goes down into the fabric. like going to the underside ( mine isn't doing that) , so my question is : could I not be having the fabric loose enough in the hoop or too loose? I find I have to "rock" the needle with each stitch while loading and that is completely opposite of what the video shows. I figured out when the needle comes to the aunt becky the stitch is more consistent if I let it take a stitch the length of the bend of the aunt becky. Is this correct?

I know that seems more complicated that it really is. I just have these questions and not like I can tell much from the video to answer this question so hoping someone on here has one and knows what I am asking. Thank you for the help.
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