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Old 02-04-2010, 06:31 AM
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From what I can see, the only centre points that aren't dead on appear to be the middle ones that would be putting the two halves together. To do that, and hopefully get them dead on, make sure the middle seam of each half is pressed in the opposite direction from the other, when right sides are put together. Then you should be able to really butt those centre seams right tight together, so that when they are sewn they line up perfectly. Did that make any sense? LOL

Your practice blocks look just like mine did, so I will point out something you may not have noticed, especially if you haven't assembled them into anything (ie. adding to them). I learned very quickly to add more fabric for the backgroung, or make sure, if designing the compass myself, to have the points end well inside the circle. The closer they are to the edge of the circle, the more chance of losing the points when adding fabric to the outside. I learned that the hard way...sigh... LOL[/quote]

Good POINT I will be mindful when I start the background, and the center is what I was having a hard time with. Thanks for your input. :lol:
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