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Old 02-09-2017, 07:42 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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Default I hurt my machine's feelings! Ha, ha...

Hi everybody,
So I went to a class to learn to make fabric bowls. My Janome was not a happy camper. The clothesline got stuck under my presser foot and wouldn't budge. My up and down lever wouldn't work. I was pretty frustrated. Some other people were also having issues. Some talk started about big machines at home and I looked at mine and thought this is my big machine! (My other machine is a Featherweight).
Caught up in the moment, I started thinking of those big machines. (Truth be told, I have been thinking of upgrading for some time). But just to make a fabric bowl? I don't think so. My machine that looks so good at home looked so small in that big church hall...and who knew there are tension controls for presser feet? I sure didn't.
Also, where would a new machine live? We live in one place for part of the year and another for the other part.
Maybe I should just keep trucking with what I have. I do know that I am getting fed up with packing my machine up with all the other stuff to sew on a table height that isn't comfortable and, then, not getting anything done.
I tried a very nice lady's 6600 to get the feel for how making a fabric bowl should feel like. It was a very nice machine but didn't seem to have a very big throat.
So I may need to spend some extra time with my machine today...some satisfying, productive time.
Any one else ever feel like this?
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