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Old 02-14-2017, 08:49 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2012
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Go to your cabinet and get out a box (cereal?). Use it to measure out dimensions. Measure from middle of side to middle of other side and add seam allowance. Measure from top all the way around to other side top. (You can make it 2 pieces, but I prefer one solid piece.) And you can make it as tall or short as you want. Make strap(s) as long as you want, attach to outside piece, sew outside piece sides together. Sew lining sides together leaving a 3 inch hole one one side. Box bottom corners if desired. With right sides together (and straps tucked in) sew outer and lining together at top, turn rightside out thru the hole, sew hole shut. Iron and then topstitch around top - done! That is an absolute basic tote. You can add pockets to outside or to lining before sewing. You can add a band around top or make a continuous strap that goes around bottom for super support. You can make a fabric covered hard piece to sit in the bottom of the bag for support but can be removed for washing. You can decorate and embellish to your heart's content. I make many plain totes but attach orphan quilt blocks to the front. I keep a pizza box (cardboard is breathable and box is stackable!) on the shelf full of orphan blocks that I have tried out patterns or color combos that I ended up not liking. They are great for the front of totes (or wine bags) and folks love getting them as gifts - my trash is their treasure!
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