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Old 03-04-2017, 04:13 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Horse Country, FL
Posts: 7,341

First, stop buying "stuff." Second, look over what you have. Third, do what Tartan says and take anything you no longer love to your guild. Fourth, organize it by project and place in large zip locks or store together some other way. Last, don't buy anything more until you've completed at least one project.
I bought and bought, too, before I retired. Now I get tired just looking at all the unfinished projects. So my guild will continue to get the "unwanted and unfinished" so I can concentrate on the projects I still like and want to do.
Good luck! I hope this, it is really, really difficult to find sewing time when you work, especially if you have a demanding job.
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