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Old 03-12-2017, 09:23 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 338

Whatever you want to do or need to do better you can usually find instructions on line. This is how I've learned all I know about quilting. I love youtube.

Someone else already said that perfection is over rated. This is true. While I want to make beautiful things, stuff happens. My most recent project was almost finished and I ruined one of the corners on the binding by trying to make it fold too perfectly. Sometimes it just best to remember that its fabric and being exact isn't always possible. Since I sign my quilts I ended up putting two very small appliques on that corner. The year on one side and my initials on the other. Its creative fixing. We all have to do it sometimes. And always remember that there is a liability that comes with taking stitches out too many times to try to fix something. My rule is twice and no more. I'd rather have an imperfect point than a hole torn in it.
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