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Old 03-20-2017, 02:16 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: San Joaquin Valley, California
Posts: 829

Well, I seldom iron clothes..My DH is a minister and so he usually wears a suit and I just have to worry about his shirts and when I wash them I am careful not to let them sit in the washer or dryer too long so they don't get wrinkled...if they do I rewash them..hehe..

I have a big iron and a small travel iron for quilting.

Getting back to the onebyone's post, it is bad that many children are not being taught some fundamental chores. I had a young girl in a class that did not know how to use a broom. I taught all my five kids, boys and girls most of the home chores and DH taught them outdoor stuff such as mowing lawns, trimming bushes, weeding, raking, using a hand and electric saw, proper way to hold and use a hammer etc.
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