Thread: binding problem
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Old 03-20-2017, 05:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Tartan View Post
If you mean the final join where the 2 ends meet, I open the binding up and one end is right side up and the other end goes right side down on the other end.
No--join by opening the two ends and you will put the RIGHT sides together--google Fons & Porter binding---I've modifed their method so I don't do all that marking--but the concept works great. You will have two tails of about 10" overlapping the gap left (leave about 10 " unsewn--this is crucial otherwise you are going to be wrestling the quilt). Now fold back one side and finger press. Fold back the other tail--leaving a 1/4" gap between the two--this is also crucial! I usually will actually press this with the iron, but you could mark it if you want. Now with the quilt edge laying in front on you and the quilt toward you, open up one side (I always do left hand side) with the Right Side of Fabric up. You will have a pressed in X. Open up the Right hand side, wrong side of fabric toward you (so that the two Right Sides of fabric are together) and center the two pressed in X's just like when you join fabric strips on the diagonal. You will have to bunch up the quilt to get it to meet well--don't worry about this--that's what our stomach's are made to do to help here! I pin like crazy to hold these two X (right sides together) as it' will be awkward under the needle. Sew like you would any diagonal join seam. Now pull the quilt edge straight and your join should flip down correctly. Trim the tail flaps and stitch the binding down . It should be perfect.
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