Thread: April - Boom 18
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Old 03-28-2017, 11:36 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Macon Georgia
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Hello's been so long since I have been on here and seen all the beautiful blocks and sure did miss all the chatter...I just didn't have the heart to come on here and read the posts..My 18 yo granddaughter (our softball player since she was five) all of a sudden keep falling on her face at her last softball my daughter took her to the ER and they did a brain scan and found lesions on her brain, which send her to a brain doctor and many test and then the spinal tap, then a trip by ambulance to the hospital and she was admitted after 16 hours in the ER. More doctors, more test and they found she had many lesions in her brain and neck and spine. They also said she had parasites in her spinal fluids so then they send in a infectious disease doctor to make sure that the lesions were not caused by the parasites, which we found out this week that they were not active. So they put her on IV steroids for the swelling in her brain for a week and she got to come home Sunday. She could not feel her legs from her knees down or her feet, so she was unable to walk and has terrible headaches. She has MS..but the steroids have works and she now can feel her legs and feet and is back to walking. Thanks You God!!!!! Sometime this week she will start her MS meds and we will go from there.....Please Please keep up your prayers for I know that God can and will help her!!! Thanks for praying for our family.
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