Old 04-19-2017, 07:33 PM
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: North Florida
Posts: 38

Ah, thank you for defining 'quilt' for me. The one you are talking about was what kept me toasty in a 100+ year old family home on the edge of Lake Michigan.

Now about those wool blankets. I have a pile and intend to use them for "batting". The grandmother whose house they came from was a washaholic. If she could get her hands on it, it got washed. Including those woolen blankets. So, does wool have a point at which it ceases to shrink? I am absolutely sure these blankets would be safe to use but now I am also wondering. Your and others experiences are important to me. You may well save me. Thank you in advance.

And for a giggle, a silly but true story. I am a rather swarthy soul and my child's knees were always disreputable because of my tan skin color and the tan I could accrue playing in the yard and the dirt I could get into. Bless my grandmother, she would use Ajax and a heavy wash cloth on my knees, etc. It never did did a whole lot of good except to make my knees pink from the scrubbing. And make me shy of bath time.

;-) Alvie
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