Old 04-28-2017, 07:01 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2012
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I had my own storefront shop for 29 years and taught sewing and quilting at night at a local big chain fabric store. I could not wait until the day when I sold my shop, retired from teaching and had a dedicated room for sewing and crafting. Well, the time came and I think the phrase is 'Retirement is going to kill me!!". I am busier now then I was then! Every day I get up and start in working on an assortment of projects. I still teach, I work 3 part time days at a fabric shop and I volunteer at a seniors shoppe. None of these were planned, they all sort of just happened. Add this to the selling I do online and various commission jobs (mostly for gnome homes and witches/fairy custom houses) and there truly are not enough hours in a day. I thank God I am able to still do these things, but, I am now looking forward to my next attempt at retirement......But. I think this is the nature of creative people. We have so many things in our heads that we want to make.
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