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Old 05-08-2017, 07:06 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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When I realized we had too many books, I decided to start purging by "tithing"--giving 10% of them away. I'd take 10 books off my shelf, find one I could part with, then put it in a donation box. At first this was REALLY hard for me because I grew up believing books were almost sacred (my mom being a major bookworm with 5 college degrees to her name). Six-eight months later, I did the same, except went for 20%. That was easier. Then I read the Konmarie method and she says "if it sparks joy, keep it." That was the only criterion. Does it spark joy? This works for books, crafts, clothes, linens, dishes, furniture, everything! It became easier to let go as I asked myself that question. It wasn't about $$, or memories, or space, or whatever. But the burden of keeping things because it meant something once upon a time, or someone I love gave it to me, or I might need it someday, or it's still in perfectly good condition...none of those were compelling enough. I am systematically decluttering my house this year and loving it!
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