Old 05-16-2017, 05:01 PM
Jan in VA
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Piedmont Virginia in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns.
Posts: 8,562

I've only been in one guild that had problem, over 20 years ago, and thankfully we made the (hard!) decision to move to a much larger space. Within a couple years we were regularly having national speaker nearly 6-7 times a year, more interesting programs, better attendance, more volunteers, and MUCH more fun!! The year that it took to make and implement the move decision was so hard on members waiting to join that some of us elected to withdraw for one year to give them a membership spot until we could be in a larger space. We never regretted doing that because it really improved our guild and never made "outsider" quilters feel rejected! The guild was kind enough to keep us on the newsletter list and we were listed as "member" for the purpose of entering our quilts in the show that one year. This was in Texas, where the word itself means 'friend'.

Jan in VA
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