Thread: April - Boom 18
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Old 05-18-2017, 04:31 PM
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Kass best of luck tomorrow. Sending prayers for a complete recovery

Marietta, glad you received your MRI results but don't you hate waiting. I'm happy to work on your same fabric, several of us have done that a few times.

Sewbiz my BIL is doing fantastic, doc's are even shocked at how well his body has responded to the chemo. BUt he cries at a drop of a hat. Not sad tears but happy tears of great memories.

My sis and I went to Mom's room and she wouldn't go to the dinner. Mom wasn't happy when we both said oh yes you are and off we went. The dining room was packed with residents and family, they had live music and served dinner and a wonderful desert. Whole time mom was crabbing about not being hungry, bad food etc. oh yes and she ate everything on her plate and darn near licked her desert place clean. How frustrating.
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