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Old 05-19-2017, 11:04 PM
Jane Quilter
Super Member
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Blue Ridge Mountians
Posts: 7,075

I made a quilt and was too heavy handed with the elmer's glue in the binding.....After ironing it it was stiff as a brick. But it was great method, the embarrassing part.....I was too sorry and/or lazy to wash it and I just through it on the bed when I was done. (that was about a month ago.) Today, changing sheets and making the bed, what did I notice? the binding was soft and supple. Now I know the glue is still in there.....and will stay there until the next sunny day to hang laundry out.. But I thought this was good news....any glue not washed out will not stay stiff, but get soft and supple with use.... So meyert, just relax all will be well. (Do use more water in the wash cycle, like our old laundry machines use to have, to release the hardened glue if you are in a hurry)
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