Thread: April - Boom 18
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Old 05-21-2017, 06:17 AM
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Sorry to hear that having you make blocks..hope you get them ALL done and can join in the 20. Ive been debating the next one, I sure dont need to make anymore quilts and have only 2 UFO's, one almost finished and this groups still stare at the blocks and say "what to do with them".. I LOVE seeing other peoples fabrics and matching fabric with them and I definately love the conversations and friendships...DIL is an RN and just got to go to 3 12 hour days so no more babysitting on weekends so Ill have plenty of time...IF I can find the fabric Im thinking about Ill join if not Ill have to go thru my stash and pick out something...
As far a Dementia, its horrible. I see it every day at the nursing home..its so sad when they dont know their own families or think someone is a bad person they use to know...when they try to get out to go home...especially the ones with sundowners..We have found they love music so we have a few people come in and sing or play guitar or piano during the seems to help. The WORST Ive seen is something we had never heard about before called Leiubody dementia...probably not spelled right....This young 50's guy was admitted, not sure who he thought I was but grabbed on to my hand and would not let go. His wife kept saying he wouldnt hurt anyone but it was sad..It came on him so quick she said, doctors didnt know what it was at first..long story short...he got worse really fast and died within a month.. He use to ride motorcycles, camp, had a good was so sad.. A few years later when Robin Williams commited sucicide they said he had Leiubody also...Hope they find what causes it soon..its horrible on the patient and the family and friends...Prayers to all of you who are going thru all you are right now...getting older is rough!
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