Thread: April - Boom 18
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Old 05-21-2017, 10:03 AM
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Never heard of lieubody dementia or sundowners... but will look them up. I work with lots of older people at the gym and some have dementia.

I wouldn't want to bring my father back. He wasn't enjoying life anymore. Sometimes death is a blessing... a reward for a long life lived. We have to be generous and give them up when it's time. Life is so short anyway. It's going to be our turn soon... but I hope none of us suffers dementia!

Jaba, that interfacing sounds like something entirely different than what I used. French Fuse is tricot knit and still has a little 'give' to it. Much less than an unbacked T shirt block, tho. Now that the quilt is done I don't mind the quilting so much. The batting is a very light but lofty polyester, and has just enough "puff" to make the quilt really cuddly. I think what I struggled with the most was working around all the plastic letters and numbers, and thick silk screen paint. And the fact that the quilter only had about 13" of workspace. At least now I know that is not enough for me, should I ever buy a longarm.

Sorry that so many of you are not going to 'play' this next round. Sometimes we just need a break, tho. I'm probably going to send fabric to make charity lap quilts, as I did this last time in the April group. I don't need any more for myself, but the charity quilts are always needed and greatly appreciated. I love making the blocks and swapping. Can't wait to see how many we are going to have swapping this time.
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