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Old 06-16-2017, 11:43 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Western Catskills
Posts: 136

I have a (seems to me) pretty big stash, mostly 1-2 yds, maybe 8 big lengths for wide borders or backing, and a lot of 1/4 or less pieces including my scraps. I rarely buy purposefully but instead intuitively and usually find fabrics in stash that go well together, often unexpectedly. All this is not to say that I don't go looking for the "right" fabric for a project, but not too often. And I always buy (online) on sale, except for muslin and small quantities of solids, which I don't use much. And yes, there are fabrics I don't like much, but they go into backings or small pieces where only the color matters.
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