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Old 06-28-2017, 06:48 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Maryland
Posts: 118

Originally Posted by Fizzle View Post
So you have made 1180 quilts? Holy moly! That is amazing. And your plus quilt is perfect!!!! Great job!!!!!
Oh no - there are 1180 squares (actually, 1176 because there are some places that I used a 2x6 block instead of three 2" squares. 5 squares per fabric, so 235 different fabrics. I use more than one fabric per quilt (3 at the least, but I do a lot of scrappy quilts so more like 5-10 per quilt). If I say there is an average of 5 different fabrics per quilt, that would be 47 quilts over the last 8 years. Which is about right.
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