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Old 07-04-2017, 04:55 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Illinois
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I use it & love it. It provides great definition for machine quilting & a nice heavy weight. I quilt no further apart than every 2" anyways since I almost exclusively make baby quilts that need regular washing. It washes well.

I have found that matching my needle size to my thread size is extra important as some of the cotton fibers tend to migrate out to the top or back of the quilt while quilting (there is no "right"or "wrong" side to W&P). Those holes do close up with washing & I haven't seen any fuzzies peeking through after the first wash, but it does require frequent cleaning of my bobbin case during the quilting process.

I mainly FMQ for the design, but when quilting foundation lines, I have had to switch to an open toe walking foot because the one with the ditch guide results in too much drag with the thicker cotton batting. I also adjust the balance on my machine, which seems to help for some reason. I do not have any way to adjust the pressure of the presser foot, or I would first try adjusting that rather than the balance. I quilt on a Bernina 350, so I cannot fit anything with W&P batting wider than 70" under my 5.5" harp ... and that requires a lot of patience & adjusting when I'm working in the center.
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