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Old 07-07-2017, 03:03 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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The Danny Thomas show had bratty kids that talked back? Not the kids in the TV show! Dr Spock - I 100% agree with no spanking. I used to spank and finally figured out that it wasn't working. My Kids were scared of me, but their behavior did not improve. Plus I hated being spanked as a kid. I changed my approach - spanking was punishment, not discipline. It was amazing to me how teaching them about limits and boundaries and consequences and the reasons for the limits and boundaries taught them self discipline.

I have grands visit in the summer for 4 - 6 weeks and never have to raise my voice to them - except in safety situations where urgency is required. Lots happens in 4 - 6 weeks, so they are disciplined, but quietly, privately and never with corporal punishment.
I always spanked, but spankings in our home when I did it were nothing like the spankings I got when I was growing up. I remember getting a few spankings, too, and hated it.

I spent a lot of time helping my mom with baby siblings when I was growing up, and spanking was the one thing my mom never allowed me to do. If a spanking was due, that was her job, though I do remember spanking when babysitting. Times sure have changed.
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