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Old 07-12-2017, 05:42 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
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Public transit around here is not great. I thought about taking the bus to work but it'd take me nearly an hour each way and I'd have to change to a later shift because they don't start running early enough to get me here in time for my current (6AM) shift (which I like).'s about a 12 minute drive, so for me that's a no-brainer.

I used to take public bus home from school sometimes in high school; it was a 3 mile walk each way and I had a bad hip so it was a grueling march for me and sometimes I'd be too sore and would give in and take the bus. The only bus that would work went way out of the way, though, so it took about an hour and a half to get home by bus. But it took me around a little over an hour to walk the 3 miles anyway so that wasn't too different. It just sucked because I could either buy lunch or ride the bus, couldn't afford both, so I had to plan ahead and go hungry if I was having a "sore" day.

I love having a car and hope I'm never dependent on public transportation again. I really hope by the time I'm too old to drive safely that they'll have reliable self-driving cars so I can retain my independence!
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