Thread: "Weigh In"
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Old 02-08-2010, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by nursie76
Lneal and Tippy and everyone else with all types of victories last week, scale and non-scale - Way to Go!

We are definitely one committed group of individuals! Hey - the healthier we stay, the longer we can quilt!

Spent 30 minutes with the Wii fit last night, felt great! Got up this AM and weight is up 0.5 pounds! Drat! Had beef stew with a flavor packet made in the crock pot last night, didn't look, but I'll bet the sodium content was fingers are a little puffy this AM. Ah, yes...will hit the water today and all should be well tomorrow.

Here is to a great, healthy day for us all!
I've noticed the sometimes my weight is up instead of down if I go to the gym all week? I still stick to my diet and was told that maybe I was eating to little? I want to get the fitness for the Wii as well. Hubby & I do the bowling everynight, he's wins most of the time.
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