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Old 07-18-2017, 05:00 PM
Sleepy Hollow
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My sister made this one for my mom. They've always had cats. Strays, ones that "adopted" my mom, etc. I can only remember getting kittens a couple times (that were planned, we did have an "oops" batch from a shelter cat).

When I was either in fifth or sixth grade, I was delivering the newspaper early on a Sunday morning and I had a very pregnant cat start following me. I knew it belonged to one of the neighbors, and just figured it would go home. It didn't. A couple blocks later, it kept laying in the middle of the street. Very little traffic that early in the morning, but I knew it would get hit if I left it. So, I put it in the back of my newspaper bag (the style that goes over your shoulders and has bags in the front and the back). Five blocks later, I'm crossing the street and hear a big meow, and a tiny meow. Fortunately I was right next to a house where I knew the family well--my mom babysat their two kids. I knocked on their door and left the mom and kitten with her family so I could finish my route (she was excited, as she had wanted her kids to see a cat give birth, but didn't want to contribute to the cat population).

We found the right neighbor and later delivered her cat and kittens to her in a box. I could tell "my" kitten from the others because it had a white tip on its tail. The local newspaper did a story on me, holding "my" kitten (it was their paper I had been delivering). My mom saw me holding the kitten, and said "NO". A few weeks later though, we found out the kittens were all leaving, so if I wanted to see it I had one last chance. Guess who came home with me! As she was born while I was crossing Bridge street, I named her Bridgette. We also had a cat named Kelly at that time, named for Kelly Street (we got him from the vet, he had been hit by a car on that street and later that cat adopted our dog, so we came home from vacation with our dog and a new cat...)

My mom was very strict, but she's a pushover for a good cat
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