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Old 07-22-2017, 06:37 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 796

Originally Posted by plainpat
Days when Moms were home raising their family,eating out was unknown,Dad was our repairman,fixing everything including the car.Days when a school principal was likely to stop by your house if any of us got in trouble.When just a look from Dad caused us kids to "fly right & straighten up".

Every "back then" leads to another.....Days of being safe covers it for me.
I feel sorry for young children nowadays under the care of daycares. As far as I'm concerned, it's a sub-standard way to raise children, and all the eating out I see today, no wonder young families have no money. Between eating out and buying disposable diapers, I'm surprised young families today can even support a roof over their heads.
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