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Old 07-22-2017, 07:55 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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Originally Posted by bearisgray
Bad things still happened "back then" - we probably just weren't that aware of it when we were kids unless it happened in our neighborhood or to someone we knew.

I still find that most people are polite.

I am undecided yet as to whether our "conveniences" are - in the long run - beneficial to us or not.

I definitely enjoy the convenience of having a washer and dryer for doing the laundry as compared to a wringer washer and clotheslines or drying racks.

The downside - it takes longer to do all the laundry with the washer and dryer (on a good drying day) and all that physical exercise has been eliminated.

Physically - are we in better or worse shape than most people were 50 years ago?
Historically, I think people today are in the worst shape they've ever been in. Chronic obesity is rampant. I even see it in young people. Terrible.
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