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Old 07-27-2017, 10:35 AM
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Originally Posted by asabrinao
I am so tired of wrestling with big quilts on a DSM. I have come to dread the quilting process because I come away with an aching body and subpar quilting. After piecing a top so carefully, it's always a little dispiriting to get to the quilting phase and feel like I'm undermining my project with sloppy and uneven stitches, puckers, etc. I never have this problem when I do a small quilt--like a table runner or a 20-inch square for a pillow.

I can't afford a long arm machine or to send my quilt tops to be professionally quilted. Even if I could, I really Want to like quilting on my DSM.

Then it occurred to me: why haven't I tried a quilt-as-you-go process?

I'm curious to hear from anyone who has tried this process. What works about this process? What are its limitations? It seems like the perfect solution to my problem--but if it truly solved the cumbersome task of quilting larger quilts on a DSM, then everyone would do it, right? So, there have to be reasons why some people don't.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

Here's one of my quilt as you go quilts (most are much more scrappy). No sashing...more just strips layered with batting, moving forward one row at a time. Retirement Quilt
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