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Old 07-29-2017, 06:06 AM
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Originally Posted by citruscountyquilter View Post
Breast fed all my children all the way. They never had a bottle. This was 30-40 years ago. My daughter who has three children 3-5-7 breast fed hers all the way too. She had to return to work for a time after her first one was born while her husband finished grad school and she pumped milk during the day and chilled it and her day care used it the next day to feed my granddaughter. Before her daughter was a year old my daughter was able to quit work and so no more bottles of breast milk or pumping and she just breast fed.
I wish I could roll the clock back and try again at the baby raising thing, because I'd try and do a few things differently, like breastfeed more. I was just so busy, so for me the bottle was my crutch, a chance for me to be lazy.
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