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Old 07-29-2017, 06:12 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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Originally Posted by quilt1950 View Post
I breast fed, but not for the best reason - I breast fed so I could lose my pregnancy weight faster. I did enjoy it, and never had any real issues. They all weaned straight to a cup around 15 months.

I went to one La leche league meeting. My 1st daughter found her thumb immediately after birth and liked it. She was sucking her thumb at the LLL meeting and they told me I wasn't nursing her enough. If she wasn't hungry she preferred her thumb, but the meeting leaders did not believe me, so I never went back.

I did make baby food - whatever we were eating. The only baby food I bought was the cereal. I think bibs were cloth for nursing, but plastic/vinyl for solid food eating.

My 11 grandchildren have all been breast fed, even the two sets of twins. My daughters were stay at home moms when the twins were born, so that helped. They pumped at work for the 1st year. After the first birthday, they put the pump away, but still nursed first thing in the morning and at bedtime, until around 15-18 months. The kids used sippy cups after they turned 1.
Having people thumb their nose at you has got to be the worst. IMO you made the right call by not going back. No one needs that. One thing I learned when my kids were little, is there were mothers I could talk to who understood and listened, and then there were mothers who knew it all.
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