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Old 07-29-2017, 06:19 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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Originally Posted by meanmom View Post
I breast fed all 4 of mine. I found it easier and healthier. I never had to worry about fixing bottles. I breast fed all of them until they were almost 2 years old. The only problem with breast feeding was none of mine liked to take a bottle so I could go out. I used cloth diapers with all 4 also. The first 2 broke out in diaper rash from disposables. I did use disposables occasionally when we were out. I also used disposable a little bit more with the youngest. I had 2 kids playing sports by then. There were times we were at the soccer field or tack meets all day. I did make pretty much all of my own baby food since we have a big garden. My kids were never fond of being fed baby food, they wanted to do it themselves. SO we didn't mess with baby food very long. I would chop things up really small and they would feed themselves.
Having a child who balked at a bottle would have been a nightmare for me. I relied on the bottle so bad. Oh, goodness me, I remember chopping things up finely for my kids, too, then onto the tray of their highchairs everything would go, then they'd go to town sampling everything one by one, but not before mashing and squishing it! LOL! Plastic bibs were a blessing!
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