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Old 07-29-2017, 06:32 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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Originally Posted by maviskw View Post
I breast-fed all eight of mine for about 9 months, but I made sure that they all knew how to take a feeding out of a bottle from the time they were really small. I never got the hang of pumping by hand. When I wanted to go somewhere, the baby sitter could feed the baby with a bottle, and I was free for the evening. That happened about once or twice a month.

We had disposable diapers 60 years ago, and liners, too. I used them for a few days when the babies just came home from the hospital. After that it was all cloth diapers hung on the line in the sunshine to dry.
Oh, wow, 8! I can't imagine. Yes, I remember calling sitters to come in so I could escape for an hour or two. It was an absolute necessity for me to help preserve my sanity.

Yuppers, diapers hung on the clothesline!
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