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Old 07-29-2017, 06:49 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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Originally Posted by kristijoy View Post
I have one son...he's 10 now. I breast fed him until age 2 1/2 at which point I had emergency surgery and had to wean him overnight. Otherwise I think we would've gone to age 3. I never thought I would breastfeed that long, but I'm glad I did. He and I have a wonderful relationship and I attribute alot of that to the time we nurtured our relationship while he was young.

Having said that though...I don't get on my high horse about breastfeeding. My sister breastfed one of hers but not the other. The second one that was bottle fed developed a wonderful relationship with Dad because they spent time together bottle feeding. Both are beautiful teens now.

You have to do what works for you and your family.

My son never did take a bottle, he wanted it straight from Mom. Now though he is a BIG cow's milk drinker and still has his cup of milk before bed every night.

Baby food...he wasn't much into baby food. He started that pretty late, so he went to small 'real' things pretty quickly like cheerios, pieces of pineapple, banana, cottage cheese. My husband absolutely hated this stage. My hubby doesn't do 'messy' that well...and ....babies learn to eat by being messy!! LOL!
Oh, I totally agree, such a warm and pleasant bonding time for baby and mom when breastfeeding. ROFL, about your husband not dealing with messy that well! My husband was the same. Must be a man thing.
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