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Old 07-29-2017, 07:17 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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Originally Posted by christinelf View Post
All three of mine were bottle fed. The first I thought was nursing OK, but not so. She slurped up formula at her 2 week check up, she was hungry! (she had lost weight). An old farm boy friend said I was an "udder failure"! LOL! With my first child I used the Heinz dried baby food flakes, and liked them. Wish they weren't discontinued. Probably didn't make enough profit on them. I also gound up/blended table food, froze it in ice cube trays, and warmed up as needed. I used plastic bottles, mainly the larger ones. And used cloth bibs, when older a molded plastic bib, with "trough" to catch the dropped food that didn't reach the floor for the dog! And used cloth diapers, with pins and plastic covers. When they were older I used disposables at night, the cloth ones couldn't hold enough.
LOL, about being an udder failure! Oh, well, that's a small consolation in the big scheme of things. Goodness, I remember those old trough-catcher bibs! Talk about a walk down memory lane, as I had forgotten about those until you mentioned it.

Yes, cloth diapers, pins, and rubber pants. I cloth diapered religiously, nighttime included, and would add a long folded diaper to the inside of my kids nighttime diapers for added absorbency. Resulted in the cutest penguin waddle you ever seen, not to mention a seriously padded bottom! LOL!
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