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Old 07-29-2017, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by NZquilter View Post
Good advice there! Yes, there is a difference in disciplining with love with a simple swat to get the child's attention and a spanking given out of anger or lack of self control. Before I discipline my child I always ask myself 'Am I calm enough myself to do this?' If the answer is no, I try to relax internally first, take a deep breath and then I'm ready to deliver a simple swat. But I have found most of the time a good 'look' from mama is enough! A swat is my last resort.
Excellent advice. I was one of those moms who acted now, like as in, right now, but I never once lost control. Spanking a rubber-panted bottom was my favourite. Lots of padding, and the plastic made for a loud bang! Always sounded way worse than it was. I imaging the old plastic disposable diapers would have sounded much the same.
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