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Old 07-30-2017, 05:20 AM
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Originally Posted by ube quilting View Post
I am in my sixties, I consider myself old because I am not young, but not elderly. To me elderly is moving into a stage of frailty and need of assistance but the mind can still be sharp. We cannot control that our bodies wear out but we can help keep it fit for as long as possible.
I always say I may not be able to control what God deals me but I can try to prevent it from taking me down. I see people that good have better health if they would listen to the doctors or make healthier choices. So many don't have that option, they are really limited on what they can do to make things better if at all. Then you have those that could be so much healthier and not have to have family members etc, to take care of them if they'd just make smarter choices. I had a co-worker who was diabetic, weighed almost 400 lbs and yet she'd eat sugar, fatty foods like it was no big deal. Then she'd try and get sympathy for her health. I told her I save that for those who are trying even when the odds are against them.

I'm might go down, end up in wheel chair, etc but I'm not going down without a fight.
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