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Old 08-07-2017, 06:44 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 521

We had a very early breakfast , dinner at noon (usually homemade jam sandwich or homemade soup or thick slices of homemade bread with molasses and butter or sometimes leftovers from previous day's meal) and evening meal called supper at about 6:30. We also had what was called a 'tea' at about 3 p.m. ...usually was a very small sweet (a bar cookie, slice of cake or slice of a shortbread) or more bread with tea or water. During summer and holidays, for us children, the sweet was often eaten on the run. Also a snack about 9 p.m. which was tea or water and a dry biscuit or a couple of crackers.
Breakfast was my favorite meal, as Mom baked bread almost every day. If there was bread being made that morning, Mom would cut pieces of dough and fry them in fat(pork) and we'd eat them with heated molasses. How good that tasted after coming from a cold bedroom!
On Sunday mornings, after church, we had a late breakfast/lunch (brunch) and lots of tea. Dad never attended church with us but he would cook eggs and make thick slices of toast slathered in butter. We always had soft-boiled eggs...not sure why they were never fried. I miss those Sundays.

Our childhood was not an ideal one and we were often spanked and heard plenty of heated 'debates' between my parents but, although the meals may have been monotonous and plain fare, we were never hungry.
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