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Old 08-13-2017, 06:56 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Mooresville, NC
Posts: 660

First off - I've seen several quilts petticoats. They were made to keep warm in winter and are beautiful.

Now on to my bigger problem - there is and never was any quilts related to the Underground Railroad. It is a complete myth completely made up and a small book was written around the end if the 1990s. Do,some research - runaway salves were only traveling at night without a bright moon - how were they supposed to even see quilts in a fence or in a tree. Many of the designs supposedly used weren't even known at that time. This whole subject has been taught as truth in schools and now being told as truth in museums. The Underground Railroad itself started around 1830 and was pretty much over by 1861although slaves were still trying and hopefully escaping. History has always been a favorite subject of mine and it really disturbs me when people try to rewrite it - here in the south groups are trying to erase much of the Civil War realities by tearing down statues, etc.

i do do not mean to offend anyone - I just want thus myth to go away and not having Quilter's especially,perpetuating a total lie.

thanks for letting me have my say,
Sandy in Mooresville, NC
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