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Old 08-28-2017, 03:39 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 276

Thank you for the quick replies and suggestions. This project is being planned long distance. And quilts have been a conversation between them for a long time as he still has a quilt from his grandmother. They will both be a part of it as much as possible with one in AZ and my daughter in the burgh but I will do the actual sewing. A t shirt quilt has never been on my list to do but this is a different situation with the young man dealing with a second corneal transplants at the age of 40 with no happy ending. He has an inherited disease which took his mother's sight also.
He understands it does take time and will pay for it but I am okay with just paying for the supplies. On good days when he can see and it makes him smile that is all that matters.
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