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Old 08-28-2017, 09:24 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 637

This quilt is much easier than it looks.

It's just snowballs and nine patch units.

The link posted upthread is the one I used and the person who posted that blog did a fantastic job on the

tutorial, beginning to end. She even tells you how to cut up the shirts and how to get the most out of

them. You can make the back out of the same shirts if you don't goof up like S.W.I.M. Some of the

shirts I used were short sleeved and I goofed up on the snowballs so I didn't have enough shirt fabric

to make a back. I'm using a light blue sheet I got from the thrift store for seventy five cents and the

binding will be part of another old navy blue sheet I used in a previous quilt. I use a lot of clothing and

sheets in my quilts because I can't afford to buy everything new at Joann's or the LQS. My modest stash

was built up by buying grab bags of fabric and thread at the thrift store. Sometimes I buy really ugly

comforters at the thrift store and gut them for batting. I use the outside to mock up or test out garment

patterns so I don't have to mess up the good fabric. I'm cheap like that!�� I use old dishtowels to make

potholders. It's okay though. That's what the old school quilters did. They were poor or frugal and used

what they already had or upcycled garments and stuff.

Oops. Went off on a tangent there, didn't I?

It was fun to do.
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