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Old 09-11-2017, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by GingerK View Post
Thank you for all the kind words. Block A is simple and straightforward. Block B is doable for anyone who has mastered Block A. You just need to follow the steps in order.

For those of you who are looking for the original pattern, it was published in Quilt Magazine April/May issue 2012. Apparently there were a lot of errors in the cutting and constructing instructions and a list of corrections is also available on the internet. I googled 'Labyrinth Walk pattern' and it is available at certain online shops.

Because I wanted to make only a single block A and block B to begin with, I puzzled out the amount and size of strips needed from the magazine's instructions. Once I had made the test blocks and knew the measurements were correct, I did the whole process again, using graph paper, narrowing my strips from the original 3 inches to 2 1/2 inches and noting colour placement, strip length and wherever possible, which way to press seams. It seems a no-brainer but I lost count of the number of times I had to re-press a seam so that the two blocks would nest.

I'm really hoping that explaining my journey will encourage others to try this pattern.
your quilt is gorgeous. I have made this quilt in the original size from the Quilt magazine. I gave it to my grandson for graduation. I have been thinking of making it with smaller blocks for myself. Is the 3 to 2 1/2 inches the only part that you reduced in size? Thanks.
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